Saturday, January 16, 2010
Antediluvian Map
I've been working on this for the past few days in-between logo design projects. I started out with an illustration of Pangaea, and then I brought everything else together on top of it. I researched where the oldest mountains in the world are, and some "pre-historic" lakes. Then, I placed Adam-Ondi-Ahman right where it should be, and came up with a possible layout for everything else according to what it says in Genesis. I'm not saying this is accurate, it's just a way to visualize the world of Adam and Enoch. I also put Zion (the city of Enoch) where the modern-day Gulf of Mexico is, according to a suggestion by Joseph Fielding Smith. The land of Nod, which is where Cain went after he was cursed, was East of Eden. Conveniently, just East of Eden on my map, there is an area between two rivers that I put the City of Enoch (the son of Cain). It happens to be the same location as what would later become Babylon, the archetype of wickedness in the Old Testament world. I just thought that was an interesting coincidence.
The Land of Cush is also called Ethiopia, and also happens to be the same bit of land as the modern Africa. Eden is North America, Havilah is South America, Nod is the Middle East, and Assyria is Asia. Europe is to the West of Assyria, India is to the East of Cush, and to the south-west is Antarctica with Australia on the south-eastern coast.

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Great map! You've combined the known fault-lines with the four rivers!
But what about "eastward, in Eden" as the Bible says?
You own the talent of brilliant writing I must confess. Your posts incorporates the reality which are not accessible from anywhere else. It’s my humble request to u please keep such brilliant contents.And yes i have digg your site lellimecnar.blogspot.com .
When you're alone with your thoughts, can you seriously imagine a human-inhabited pangaea with antediluvian dinosaurs, or a flower-filled garden in a week-old planet? And all this in the year 4215 BC? The cognitive dissonance must be deafening. (Everyone knows the world was created way back in 5508!)
P.S. The blog in the link is not mine; I just like it.
"Eastward" is relevant. Eastward from where?
I do not believe that the Word was created in six literal days. Nor am I certain of the exact year that Adam and Eve were cast from the Garden of Eden. We definitely don't know how long they were in Eden before they were cast out, so determining the actual date of creation is impossible. I am curious as to where you get the date of 5508 BC.
Part of his dating feels borrowed from the ideals of the Vatican that declared the world was literally made in 7 days (our time) and that the world was by all accounts 7,000 years old, to say otherwise was heresy then. The real antediluvian age was actually 17,000 years before the flood considering every son to son save one recorded a total of nearly 1,000 years of life of their time (most of the time it was 900s) this stuff I actually read and researched! Also according to archeologists and scientists, the last ice age which was approximately 25,000 years ago is how long ago before the time of Christ the flood period happened and the flood happened pretty quickly. According to the Book of Mormon, the Grand Canyon was created in a short period of time with very intense floods and storms as a sign the Savior had been crucified and went on for as long as he was declared 'dead' by the experts of that time. Facing a very long darkness before he visited the Americas was basically both a cleansing of the land of the wicked and sign of his resurrection. The maps I very much appreciate, they are very convincing and very well made and frankly more accurate than any other guess map out there. That's my bit, just recall what facts have been proven when you put up official documentation.
First off, I realize this post is quite old, but I still feel it is necessary to post this here. I tried finding a way to contact you through Google+ to no avail. Anyways, I am an aspiring young writer, and I feel that God has placed it on my heart to write a fantasy novel set in the antediluvian world. My two main sources are the Bible and the book of Enoch. I know that there would be a temperate universal climate due to a water canopy (I am making mine liquid due to scientific problems with a vapor canopy), that everything would be one land mass, and that these four rivers would flow through everything. I encountered a problem because I lack any sort of artistic talent. I need a map to visualize how this world would be formatted before I can begin any true work. This map here is wonderful, putting the rivers over the fault lines. I couldn't find anything else like it on the internet. My question is this, may I base my novel's world map off of this layout? I do not mean take the picture entirely, only to base my story off of the way the land is formatted.
I think I should make it clear that while I am seeking some scientific validity within this fantasy story, I do not truly uphold what I will write about as fact. Neither will I personally believe all of it. My main goal is to craft an enjoyable, fictional story that incorporates Biblical lessons and truths into it. Think of it like the Chronicles of Narnia or even LOTR.
Thank you.
I really like your map, I am writing a book and would like to know if you are interested in designing a map for me?
This is the closest I've seen to accurate. I have studied this my whole life and am now a junior high science teacher. You have made one error however; East Antarctica clearly fits between South America and Africa. It is incredibly obvious, yet no Pangaea map puts it where it belongs. If you place Antarctica where it belongs it will fit like a puzzle piece and you will find the Earth formed a perfect circle. A study of the Geography of Antarctica, South America, Africa, Madagascar, and Australia will make this readily apparent. God Bless!
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